These high tech instruments are able to perfectly mimic the hand motions of the doctor. The robotic system also provides a 3D, high definition visualization of the prostate and adjacent tissues, giving your urologist a view of the surgical site that is far superior to that of the human eye.
For prostate cancer patients, that means a greater assurance of the best outcome possible. It also means a better chance of avoiding side effects of more traditional approaches to surgery, such as impotence or urinary incontinence.
HIFU is a precise and targeted therapy that reduces the risk of complications and impact to quality of life caused by surgery and radiation. HIFU uses ultrasound energy, or sound waves, to heat and destroy specifically targeted areas of tissue.
During HIFU, the sound waves pass through healthy tissue without causing damage. Using our CyberKnife System to precisely deliver a high dose of radiation to tumors, our doctors can effectively treat pancreatic cancer on an outpatient basis, with minimal side effects and no recovery time.
CyberKnife radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer offers a number of benefits, such as:. It offers new hope to patients who cannot undergo pancreatic cancer surgery because of poor health or a complex tumor, or those who would like an alternative to the long recovery and potential complications often associated with surgery. Send us your questions and one of our Board Certified Physicians will respond within 24 hours. Stereotactic body radiation therapy SBRT — also known as stereotactic ablative radiotherapy SABR — and stereotactic radiosurgery SRS are the most advanced forms of radiation therapy for cancer treatments, offering the ability to deliver high doses of radiation with extreme precision.
It has a flexible robotic arm that can move to virtually any angle around the patient to deliver radiation to a tumor. The CyberKnife System also integrates image guidance and tumor tracking technology, which enables it to adapt to the motion of the tumor and correct and verify in real-time the location of the tumor to ensure radiation is focused on the tumor and not the healthy surrounding tissues and organs.
Access to more water could stoke an economic boom in the area, local officials say. More than a dozen companies want to build solar electric generation plants, but the county cannot allow the projects to go forward without more water, said Gary Hollis, a Nye County commissioner. The problem extends beyond the contamination zone. If too much clean water is pumped out of the ground from adjacent areas, it could accelerate the movement of tainted water.
When Nye County applied for permits in recent years to pump clean water near the western boundary of the test site, the state engineer denied the application based on protests by the Energy Department. The department did not cite environmental concerns, perhaps to avoid acknowledging the extent of the Cold War contamination. Instead, federal officials said the pumping could compromise security at the test site, which is still in use. Even before any contamination comes off the test site, I look at this as a matter of social economic justice.
Even before the Cold War turned the landscape radioactive, the test site was a forbidding place, as empty a spot as any in the country. Creosote and sagebrush covered much of the gravelly terrain, punctuated by soaring mountains and crusty lake beds.
In the winter months, snow covered the 7,foot Pahute Mesa, and a few herds of wild horses roamed the high country. In , President Truman secretly selected the site for nuclear testing and withdrew the federally owned land from public use. In early , atomic blasts started lighting up the sky over Las Vegas, then a city of fewer than 50, Early atmospheric tests spawned heavy fallout, and some areas are still so radioactive that anybody entering must wear hazardous-material suits.
Later tests were done underground, leaving hundreds of craters that resemble otherworldly scars.