Medications whitney houston

We can collectively agree prescription drug abuse is serious. We can collectively agree innocent people are suffering serious quality of life losses as a result of pills. We can collectively agree opioid painkillers like Vicodin, Percocet, and OxyContin have led to a boom in heroin use which is its own can of worms. Another is calling for abstinence-based recovery. What side should we pick?

What steps can we take to ensure the most people get help? She was a multifaceted human being with a number of serious issues. She struggled with both the successes and challenges fame brings. She was involved in an abusive relationship. In short — she was a human being and, like many people facing overwhelming stress, she turned to chemicals to self-medicate.

On February 11th, , after a long and successful career, Whitney was found unconscious in a hotel bathtub. A postmortem drug screen found marijuana, Xanax, and other prescription drugs in her system. We hope that people can learn from her experience and avoid the same tragedy. PDF documents require the free Adobe Reader. Skip to main content. Search form. Archive Home. Cite this article. Sara Bellum April 25 Cocaine Can Lead to Scary Side Effects Cocaine is a stimulant—a class of drugs that elevate mood, boost feelings of well-being and euphoria, and increase energy and alertness.

She is hit with a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge, but it's dropped months later. Houston's then-publicist refutes rumors that the singer had died of a drug overdose. While she admits to using alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and prescription drugs, the vibrant vocalist emphatically denies reports that she's addicted to crack.

I make too much for me to ever smoke crack," she says. I don't do crack. I don't do that.


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