Austin, TX Ascension Seton offers a different brand of healthcare. We believe in showing everyone dignity and respect while providing the best care possible. Person-centered care is an essential part of our mission to expand access to high-quality, low-cost care and services. You'll find Ascension Seton doctors, nurses and associates delivering care throughout Central Texas Communities.
We operate more than clinical locations, including three teaching hospitals and another opening in that will be the training site for Dell Medical School at The University of Texas. When you choose care from us, you are choosing care that is at the forefront of medical innovation. Ascension Seton conducts research and provides advanced treatments for conditions including stroke, traumatic injury, epilepsy, cardiovascular disease and many of today's most difficult illnesses to treat.
Suggest an edit on this page. Back to Search. Expand Map. Seton Family of Doctors Lotika R. Misra, MD Neurologist. Tell Someone You Know. Specialty Neurology - Hospitalist. Additional Language Spoken Hindi. My Clinical Focus My practice focus is inpatient neurology where I see timely intervention making a huge difference in a patient's life. You are here Home. Jayadev Misra. Professor Emeritus. Jayadev Misra works in the area of concurrent programming with emphasis on rigorous methods to improve the programming process.
His work on the UNITY methodology, jointly with Mani Chandy, has been influential in both academia and industry, and has spawned a large number of tools and research projects.
He and Mani Chandy and, independently, Randy Bryant pioneered the area of distributed discrete event simulation. He is currently working on a programming language, called "Orc," for concurrent orchestrations of interacting components. He is also spear-heading an effort, jointly with Tony Hoare, to automate large-scale program verification.
Research Research Areas:. Formal Methods. Research Interests:. Structuring of concurrent and distributed computing Programming languages Semantics Application design. The Orc Programming Language.