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How to get from San Jose to Montevideo by plane, train, car ferry, shuttle or subway. Find Transport to Montevideo. Travel From Travel From. See all options. Also search accommodation with Booking. Need a hotel room in Montevideo? Book now. There are 6 ways to get from San Jose to Montevideo by plane, train, car ferry, shuttle or subway Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.
Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between. Explore all travel options Average flight journey times Time on flight:. Layover time:. Total time:. Flight route information Fastest flight journey time:. Flight distance:. Flights per week:. Cheapest price:. Felipe Ferreiro. Popular en Government. Josue Ramirez. Alma Surec E. Harryson Castro Aponte. Derecho Constitucional. El Sistema de Gobierno y Sus Organos. Catalina Gomez.
Claudia Marcela Valderrama Rios. Daniel Josue Araujo Aranguren. Yer Yani. Anonymous ERwyKCr. Enrique Hernandez. Gustavo Molina. Maria Jose Escalona Diaz. Johan Cazarez Martinez. Oscar Cocinero. The 10,member British force captured Montevideo in early and occupied it until that July, when it left and moved against Buenos Aires, where it was soundly defeated.
In Spanish prestige was weakened when Napoleon invaded Spain and installed his brother Joseph on the throne. The cabildo of Montevideo, however, created an autonomous junta that remained nominally loyal to Ferdinand VII as the king of Spain.
Montevideo's military commander, Javier Elio, eventually persuaded the Spanish central junta to accept his control at Montevideo as independent of Buenos Aires. In criollos those born in America of Spanish parents from Buenos Aires took the reins of government in that city and unseated the Spanish viceroy.
The population of the Banda Oriental was politically divided. The countryside favored recognizing Elio's junta in Buenos Aires; the authorities in Montevideo wanted to retain a nominal allegiance to the Spanish king. In the whole "Eastern Bank" had only forty thousand inhabitants, of whom fifteen thousand lived in Montevideo. When Napoleon overran Spain, the viceroyalty of Buenos Aires revolted, but the Banda Oriental remained loyal, thus opening the first breach between the two parts of the colony.
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