Karen Rodrigue. I envision many opportunities for synergistic research projects that draw on our different strengths. Rodrigue's focus on the interactions between normal mechanisms of cognitive aging and various diseases that may impact those mechanisms holds great promise for clarifying some of the most complex and least understood patterns of aging, said Dr.
Here, you can find a number of student reviews on the work and skills of Karen Rodrigue, a Professor in the Neuroscience department at The University of Texas at Dallas. The university is located in Texas, USA. The institution requires professionalism from its teaching staff and regular training courses attendance to maintain a high level of educational skills.
This university professor has received 17 reviews from former and current students, as well as some other guests. The majority of the submitted reviews are positive. Student opinions are important for university teachers as they show the level of their pedagogic skills.
Your review may help young applicants to find the right educational establishment. Let Ivy League editors help you get into a college Hire Pro x. The University of Texas at Dallas. Karen Rodrigue.
Teacher Reviews 17 17 teacher reviews add a review. Add a review for Karen Rodrigue. All Positive Negative. That being said, the exams are extremely difficult, they cover what she goes over in class, but follow more closely to the book. Details about specific brain functions and various parts must be memorized.
There are open ended questions that are hard. Aug 8th, Textbook: Yes. She is a master of the subject. Her grading is straight-forward and fair. She is willing to explain everything down till you understand. She doesn't post slides, so you must write like crazy. If you pay attention in class and read the book, you can get an A. Jun 6th, However, coming to class, reading the book, and doing a fair amount of studying, I was able to make an A.
The professor is really nice and helpful. Though some of the material was dry, I thought the class was really interesting overall. May 13th, Great professor. She is new and it shows, but she knows her material. You need to read the book, she follows it pretty closely. Apr 24th, Very nice and approachable professor, however class is so dry and boring. Professor Rodrigue does her best to make the subject matter interesting , she has guest lecturers come in time to time.
Reading the book is helpful if you dont come to class. Slides are NOT online. She does however do a review before the test, helpful. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data of incremental increases in visuo-spatial difficulty in a large adult lifespan sample.
Data in Brief, 11 , Rodrigue, K. The modifying role of hypertension in cognitive and brain aging. Cabeza, L.