London waldorfschule

Parents are invited to tour the Lower School, and parents and students are both welcome on tours of the Upper School. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to our annual fund. Your contribution helps us bridge the gap between tuition income and the cost of running the school. Waldorf Education — An Education for the Future. Featuring some of our teachers and alumni, parents and members of the Waldorf Community.

Looking to Apply? On Saturday, October 2 we closed 78th Street to ho. The steinerfourthgrade is immersed in their first. Find out more Watch the new school film Threshold Learning suite Unique online Threshold Learning Suite helping pupils continue on their learning journey during the Covid lockdown — and beyond. Our school film Click on the video below to watch our creative and inspiring school film. Creative inspiring education An International Curriculum The Brighton Waldorf School is part of an international, independent educational system which has over 1, schools worldwide, all dedicated to recognising and acknowledging the unique spirit and talents of each individual child.

Find out more. Your Questions We understand that children learn best in different ways, at different stages of their childhood. Book a School Tour If you are interested in our School and would like to see for yourself, please arrange a tour. Early Years 0 to 6-years-old. Lower School 7 to years-old. Find answers to all your questions, and more! Faculty Resources Parent Resources. Register Here. Click Here.

London Waldorf School: Education that inspires.


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