Trouble signing in? Retrieve credentials. Sign Up. Featured Interviews. The Kirkus Star One of the most coveted designations in the book industry, the Kirkus Star marks books of exceptional merit.
See the winners. Thank you! Please sign up to continue. September 13, — With my student Leonie we have a new preprint out on higher-order consensus dynyamics on temporal hypergraphs here. August 23, — Leonie and I have been interviewed for an article in Quanta Magazine on higher-order networks. The arxiv version can be found here [Preprint] May 18, — Forgot to add, there is another preprint on the arxiv [Preprint] April 23, — New preprint on higher order networks on arxiv [Preprint] April 20, — New preprint on the Analysis of Ligand Receptor networks out on biorxiv [Preprint] March 24, — Preprint on signal processing on simplicial complexes [Preprint] March 16, — Together with Renaud Lambiotte I wrote a book on Modularity and Dynamics on Complex Networks.
You can find it here [Final Draft Book] January 15, — Another preprint, this time on signal processing on higher-order networks: [Preprint] January 12, — New preprint out on the arxiv here: [Preprint] January 4, — Florian Frantzen starts as PhD student in our group.
Welcome Florian! The video is here. November 11, — My student Leonie gave a talk at the Women in Network Science online seminar — you can find the video here.
November 2, — Michael Scholkemper starts as PhD student in our group. Welcome Michael! Michael Schaub lives in Anaheim, CA. On the web, Michael goes by the alias lynnski Michael J Schaub, age 46 View Report. Michael Schaub. We Found Michael Schaub. Michael Schaub - michael. Michael Schaub - michaelschaub.
Michael Schaub - schaub Michael Schaub - schaub. Michael Schaub - chiller. Michael Schaub - mikeyschaub Michael schaub - schaubi Michael Schaub - schaubmichi. Michael Schaub - kniteforceffm. Michael Schaub - schaubmj. Michael Schaub - msc84smi. Michael Schaub - leahcimschaub. Michael Schaub - MichaelSchaub Michael Schaub - jesden Mike Schaub - mikeschaub Michaelschaub - MichaelSchaub Michael Schaub - Michaelschaub Michael Schaub - Michaelschaub8.
Michael Schaub - DrMichaelSchaub. Michael Schaub - schaubi Michael Schaub - ScribeTraceur.