Maria de los angeles cabral

Sign In. Episode guide. See more at IMDbPro. Episodes Browse episodes. Top Top-rated. Photos 7. Top cast Edit. Jose Luis Guarneros Macaco as Macaco. Evelio Con V Delfino as Delfino. Denisse Padilla Rea as Rea …. More like this. Before that, it led to jobs: first a monthly love advice column for City Link Magazine under the pen name Manola Blablablanick and then a weekly column at the Miami New Times called Silicon Beach.

Aware that the Internet is sometimes home to poorly sourced information, de los Angeles said is a stickler about journalistic integrity. De los Angeles also stresses the importance of connecting with her audience. She uses her Twitter account ViceQueenMaria to micro-broadcast information that is not substantial enough for an entire article, she said. De los Angeles uses the name Vice-Queen Maria for her account because when a friend joked that she was the queen, she said that she would rather be the vice queen, so she could enjoy the privileges without the burden.

De los Angeles has used her expertise in social media to educate others. Estimate Range:. Sign in. Sales Price:. Lot details. Inside pricing art Subscribe to askART's alerts and research services for a global art market. Anticipate greater use? Please contact us , so that we may accommodate your needs. Upcoming at auction records include artwork details, images and estimated price when available. Previous Next. Upcoming Auction Lots. Upcoming at Auction lots are for Subscribers.

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