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To learn more, contact us or call to talk to a representative. Can only be used for the specific purposes listed. All limited use licenses come in the largest size available. Editorial Images. Creative video. Editorial video. He sails the last few miles up the Chesapeake Bay to Annapolis, completing a non-stop solo day circumnavigation sailing of the Americas ending his voyage where he started, Annapolis MD.
The Washington Post : News Photo. Contact your company to license this image. All Royalty-Free licences include global use rights, comprehensive protection, and simple pricing with volume discounts available.
Newspapers and magazines except for covers , editorial broadcasts, documentaries, non-commercial websites, blogs and social media posts illustrating matters of public interest. Book or magazine covers, commercial, promotional, advertorial, endorsement, advertising, or merchandising purposes in any media e. Anyone in your organisation can use it an unlimited number of times for up to 15 years, worldwide, with uncapped indemnification. Accessing the content may take some time and may be subject to additional fees.
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Sounds like a good idea to me. Just to clear one thing up. A local newspaper miss quoted Don Backe about the amount for the resupplies. Then Fox and the Washington Post did the same.
So thank you all for your contributions. Until next time. Anyone who wants to help sponsor the next trip or help me get tools for schools off the ground please shoot me an email at rrutherford42 gmail.
Thanks to Donald Fletcher and icentv. Press or other inquires, please contact Rachel Rutherford An amazing homecoming event was held on Saturday under sunny skies with a perfect breeze to let Matt sail into Annapolis Harbor past a large crowd, fireboat, marching band, bagpiper and lots of media. The following photos were taken by Mark Duehmig. They are licensed for feature news articles but not for resale. Please credit Mark Duehmig. The City Dock is here: City Dock.