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All rights reserved. The Metin2 logo and the Webzen logo are trademarks of Webzen Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Published by Gameforge 4D GmbH. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam.

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Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Metin2 EULA. Languages :. English and 15 more. Publisher: Gameforge 4D GmbH. Share Embed.

Free to Play. Play Game. Add all DLC to Cart. View Community Hub. Da, a ti citit bine, este un server echilibrat neapartinand unui singur tip. SonyMt2 V9. Masters Of War Masters of War is an Oldschool PvM server that is combining the pleasure of playing Metin as it once was with the joy of finding new carefully balanced systems. Lv New Maps, Dungeons, and Level expansion soon after the server opening! Pe server exista o multime de siteme si reborn. Stafful este unul competent si matur.

Evente zilnice cu premii mari. Pentru inceput primiti set pvm, costum freza skin mount pet pvm. Din partea staffului primiti 50 MD si 40kk yang. Acesta vine cu un system de 5 reborn uri active la level ,fiecare oferindu ti cate un bonus , insa intocandu te la level Pe server avem un concurs care consta in: Primi 10 playeri care ating level , primesc un set de iteme site. Intra acum si primesti si o armura si un costum premium in inventar! Lv maxim Zerion International Newschool Max.

Transylvania2 Un server clasic cu o comunitate activa! Callatis2 Este vorba despre nou server easy unde plictiseala nu i are locul i unde merita sa i petreci timpul liber! Metin Arkas Metin2Arkas este un server de Metin2 de tip PvM level maxim , Poti face iteme site si in joc, aici nimeni nu este favorizat.

Serverul este unul foarte stabil si bine conceput. Nu exista modate,biolog sau alchimie. Serverul detine in totalitate o grafica inedita.


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